June 5, 2020

Hey Mom! Time to Relax and Watch These Inspiring Running Movies

Movies, sometimes, are based on a real-life story in which we can learn many lessons. One best pastime habit with the family is movie watching. After a long tiring day, from office work to do the dishes at night, it’s time to relax and watch those running movies that may inspire you. 

Inspiring Running Movies that Are Worth Watching

Sit back and relax and enjoy watching these movie recommendations on your theatre on television. You may also get your running shoes for women ready and have a run at the park after getting inspired by these movies.

Run Forever

This inspirational film is about the story of the British record-breaker named Nicky Spinks. Despite her experience in overcoming breast cancer, Spinks accepted the challenge of crashing the record of completing the Double Bob Graham Round.

This 37-year-old record should be finished within 48 hours. Moreover, the single round requires exploring the peaks of the 42 Lake District within less than 24 hours. This simply means that a double round involves finishing the single round and doing it again for the second time.

Completing the single round is fairly difficult, but Spinks did her way to win the challenge. Due to her determination out of her breast cancer experience, she successfully broke the record

Life In a Day

A film from Billy Yang, Life In a Day movie tackles the 100-miler Western States and that four women advancing to a top 10 finish. Devon Yanko, Magdalena Boulet, Anna Mae Flynn, and Kaci Lickteig are the four women who came from various backgrounds. They also have distinct experiences about the ultramarathons.

As the race of these four women continued, stressors blocked their way. They all got injuries and also tend to battle mentally. The race draws your emotions and squeezes it deep down. And that is what makes it impressive.   

Breaking 2

This movie revolves around Nike’s effort to belt into the two-hour marathon obstacle. Breaking 2 is a film that analyzes the preparation over the attempt and the profiles of the other three runners. The film reveals the time it takes the Nike team to prepare in order to break the obstacle.

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