Tagged: SEO works

Community Theater – Online Marketing and Promoting Local Live Shows

A community theater is a reminder to everyone that people can work together harmoniously to create a sense of solidarity, regardless of beliefs and ideologies. Having a local theater in which live productions showcase the talents and diversity of culture among the people of the community, is an indication of solidarity. Here, people can celebrate life, by allowing participants of all ages and of any race or culture, to express their artistry without fear of being judged.

Still, those involved in the organization and administration of the community theater find it necessary to work on limited budget. While funds from ticket sales can help augment funds to meet the basic needs of the local theater, it would be ideal to if the theater can also raise extra funds for sponsoring community projects.

It’s important therefore to vigorously market and promote the theater’s live shows and other productions with minimal costs. While having a website will help a lot, the community theater must have other channels by which it can make itself visible; not only to the townspeople but also to the people in neighboring communities.

Tips for Making a Community Theater Highly Visible Online

First off, someone in the administration department must be in charge of keeping the website up to date with current and upcoming events and mission projects. Put in as much information about the theater and its shows past, present and future, to give the website links to keywords like Community Theater, Theater Shows, Upcoming Events, Tickets, Musicals, Dance, Concert, Play, Auditions, Productions, name of the community, district,state and any other names and titles that can provide a link to Google searches related to local theaters.

Have a social media account and keep it live and active by constantly posting content, photos, video clips and by drawing likes and comments.

Make a list of print and social media contacts that the promotions and marketing team can reach out to when announcing and broadcasting upcoming shows.

Have some of the theater dancers perform a flash mob in public places. Don’t forget to place banners or streamers or give out flyers to provide passersby and audience with details about your shows.

Make arrangements with local radio and TV stations, bloggers and popular social media personalities to help promote the community theater announce its shows. Having other broadcast and digital channels spread information about the activities of the community theater, its groups and its troupes, can increase public support.

Doing all these will make the community theater’s online presence ready for SEO or search engine optimization. SEO works best if all the theater’s digital channels carry tags that can help the search engine consider the theater website, social media posts and videos as among the most relevant answers to related search queries. The greater the relevance of the keywords or the key phrases mentioned in digital contents, the greater the chances of the community theater being presented at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) In the case of community theaters, localize the keywords by adding the name of the city or town that is home to the theater.
