August 11, 2020

Prepping a Theatre Play is Harder than it Seems

Is this your first time to handle a production team for a theatre play? Indeed there’s a lot of learning curve that you’ll go through. But don’t worry, there are many resources online that you can use such as where you can discover techniques on how to make tasks easier and absorb the most in your learning.

But for sure, you have tons of questions on how you can build the set, if there’s enough time for the rehearsals, who will be in charge of the costume for every actor and everything in between. Don’t worry about those questions. We have compiled general tips that can help to get through this task.

Pick a Show You have Passion with

You will be spending the next 6 months more or less in the show that you have chosen. If you are inclined to music, then spending your energy on building the show is sure to be worth it. When you are in the process of selecting a show, see to it that the number of roles, the style, themes and language are all appropriate to your audience and performers.

Assembling Teams of Collaborators

There are many people involved in a theater play to make it a success. If there’s one person that covers 3 or more jobs, then consider expanding your staffs in an effort to distribute workload.

Look to all parent volunteers, students as well as staffs who are within your organization who have the skills needed. But in essence, the people you’d need for your team of collaborators are going to be the following:

  • Producer
  • General Manager
  • Director
  • Music Director
  • Choreographer
  • Production Stage Manager
  • Assistant Stage Manager
  • Set Design
  • Lighting Design
  • Costume Design
  • Sound Design
  • Prop Design

Get Everything in Order

It is important that designs are in their proper order which will include lights, costumes, props and sound. Being the director, you should take responsibilities of the design process by which you can get started by gathering all designers to work on the same page prior rehearsals. This is otherwise called as preproduction.

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