In the year 1993, motorists park their automobiles on the grounds of Park-In Theaters. For your information, Park-In Theaters is the first ever drive-in movie theater located on Crescent Boulevard in Camden, New Jersey. If you are worried that you will not be able to try this because you do not have a car, then you should be glad because there are cars and taxis that can be booked in advance just like the taxi Schiphol in Netherlands. I believe that in the near future, there will be services that offer park in theater.
Park-In Theaters–the term “drive-in” came to be widely used only later–was the brainchild of Richard Hollingshead, a movie fan and a sales manager at his father’s company, Whiz Auto Products, in Camden. Reportedly inspired by his mother’s struggle to sit comfortably in traditional movie theater seats, Hollingshead came up with the idea of an open-air theater where patrons watched movies in the comfort of their own automobiles. He then experimented in the driveway of his own house with different projection and sound techniques, mounting a 1928 Kodak projector on the hood of his car, pinning a screen to some trees, and placing a radio behind the screen for sound
If you are wondering what type of movies are being shown in drive in theaters, it most B-movies-that is, not Hollywood’s finest fare- but some theaters featured the same movies that played in regular theaters. The initially poor sound quality- Hollingshead had mounted three speakers manufactured by RCA Victor near the screen-improved and later technology made it possible for each car’s to play the movie’s soundtrack through FM radio. The popularity of the drive-in spiked after World War II and reached its heyday in the late 1950s to mid-60s, with some 5,000 theaters across the country. Drive-ins became an icon of American culture, and a typical weekend destination not just for parents and children but also for teenage couples seeking some privacy.
However, the rising price of real estate, especially in suburban areas, combined with the growing numbers of walk-in theaters and the rise of video rentals to curb the growth of the drive-in industry.