December 24, 2020

Broadway League Succeeds in Getting Congress to Approve Save Our Stages Relief Provisions

The Broadway community celebrates the passing of the new pandemic relief bill as it has expanded the eligible recipients of the “Save Our Stages” provision. Much of the credit goes to the Broadway League, whose members lobbied relentlessly for Congress to include producers, talent representatives, live venue operators, and promoters in the industry in the list of applicants who can apply for the $15 billion grant available under the “Save Our Stages” provisions.

Large entities or subsidiaries of large corporations like Disney Theatrical Productions are not eligible for the grant because they are a part of The Walt Disney Company.

It’s Still a Question of When the Grants will be Available

However elation over the announcement about the approved pandemic relief bill was short lived. What should have been a surefire step away has turned into another partisan controversy; spawned by the workings of President Trump’s twisted brand of politics.

As it is, Trump is delaying the enactment and has returned the bill to Congress, whilst demanding that lawmakers increase the stimulus check from $600 to $2000 per person and remove some of provisions he considers as unnecessary. Fingers crossed, the Save Our Stages is hopefully not included to the list of provisions that Trump deems unnecessary.

What are Included in the Save Our Stages Provision?

The new Save Our Stages provision allocates $15 billion for the entertainment industry,an amount greater by $5billion when compared to the previous $10 billion granted under the prior CARES Act signed last March.

Furthermore, the list of recipients has expanded, as the roster of eligible applicants now include independent movie theaters, museums, live music venues and Broadway theaters. Grant beneficiaries can collect up to $10 million from the Save Our Stages provision. The grant amount will be computed at 45% of gross earned revenue in 2019. Additionally, previous beneficiaries can still apply for a supplemental grant if they incurred losses in 2020 if the amount is at least half the proceeds of the first Save Our Stages grant. .

While the first grant intended to provide provisions to cover expenses from the start of March 2020 up to the last day of December 2021, a supplemental grant availed under the new relief package can be used in paying for expenses from the first day of March up to the last day of June 2022. Still, applicants who received only 10% or less of their normal income from the previous provision will have first priority. The question as to when the government will start accepting applicants still does not have a definite answer.

Supposedly, applications will be available for processing two weeks after Trump enacts the new pandemic relief bill.

Utilizing Instagram to Promote Broadway

Despite the delay, there’s already hope that small producers of broadway shows will have a chance to immediately get their shows running once lockdown orders have been lifted. In the meantime, broadway show promoters are already planning to click photos and shoot video clips to promote via a new Instagram feature called Instagram Live.

The Instagram Live feature has all the more, made the social media site the best go-to place in promoting one’s field of business or interest as it opens a new space for a different types of content. Through the Live section, followers will be able to get a real-time glimpse of the lives of the people in front and behind the Broadway shows being promoted.

Still, while the Live tool can actually boost marketing and promotions by using the right strategies, we also recommend using analytic tools that can help promoters optimize their Instagram Live materials. Anyone who is into creating live videos know that the task is labor intensive, and it would be best to know which kind of video content works for each type of audience. Checkout the information provided by this website ( in order to have a better understanding of the benefits of using analytic tools.

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